Lord of the Ring : War of the the Ring.....
Description :
War of the Ring is split into two 10-mission campaigns, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the epic conflict from both sides. Playing the good campaign explains how it was that Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir all managed to show up at Rivendell just in time to join the Fellowship of the Ring. Meanwhile, the evil campaign tells how the forces of Sauron managed to break out of Mordor and besiege the city of Minas Tirith.
The game conforms to the traditional real-time strategy model that you've probably seen and played before. You start off with a handful of units and must immediately establish a base and begin collecting the game's two resources: wood and ore. Then you start churning out units while you pursue the upgrade path on the research tree. When you've finally amassed a large enough force, it's time to venture out and attack the enemy. It's a tried-and-true formula that does offer visceral thrills when you crush your opponent, and, if done right, it's a formula that can be very challenging and rewarding.
The game conforms to the traditional real-time strategy model that you've probably seen and played before. You start off with a handful of units and must immediately establish a base and begin collecting the game's two resources: wood and ore. Then you start churning out units while you pursue the upgrade path on the research tree. When you've finally amassed a large enough force, it's time to venture out and attack the enemy. It's a tried-and-true formula that does offer visceral thrills when you crush your opponent, and, if done right, it's a formula that can be very challenging and rewarding.
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